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2022-04-19 06:00 love life dream possible


1、What do you blame a love you not sensible girl. 你凭什么指责一个爱你入骨的姑娘不够懂事

2、Love is not geting but giving. 爱不是占有,而是付出。

3、Softhearted is sick, but you are life.

4、Time cut scar is called growth.(时间划破的疤痕叫做成长。)

5、Make it up. 不计前嫌。

6、For from eyes,for from heart.

7、In the end

8、You can't be my poem, just as I can't be your dream. ​​​ 你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦。

9、Love but can not have.

10、Do not let yourself live likes a joke.

11、Hesitate犹豫 Hesitation迟疑

12、For you,i am willing to give up everything,including you. 为了你,我可以放弃一切,包括你。

13、Some dreams never sleep. 有一些梦,从不曾眠。

14、Once you accompany me to see the world.

15、Breeze blowing, skirts raised, if life only as first sight! (微风吹过,裙摆扬起,人生若只如初见!)

16、Heart is mine,but full of you

17、Glass is fragile heart.

18、I am a does not contian any additives lunatic. 我是一个不含任何添加剂的疯子。

19、Old dream we had the best time of appearance. 梦里的我们还是旧时的模样有着最美好的时光。

20、Those allowed to be capricious Scalled youth . 那些允许被任性的年代叫做青春。

21、Cry to yourself, smile to people. This is life.(哭给自己听,笑给别人看。这就是人生)

22、As long as you see your smile, the world is not so bad. 只要看见你的笑,世界就没有那么糟 ​​​。 ​​​

23、Fellin love 相恋

24、I do not know when i learned not to explain.

25、Break the rules. 反规则

26、No one you.

27、就算impossible 也还藏着possible

28、Moon月亮 Sun太阳

29、Your name with my life.

30、Be yourself. Keep real . 忠于自我,保持纯真。

31、You are the joy of the young. 你是年少的欢喜。

32、就算unhappy 以后还会happy

33、Don't hold the other person because of the cold. 不要因为冷 就去抱另一个人

34、Decease死亡 Rrevive复活

35、Wasted 蹉跎。

36、Live the life you love. Love the life you live. 过你喜欢的生活。喜欢你过的生活。 ----Bob Marley

37、Sigh轻叹 Joke笑谈

38、Perhaps, I do not disturb, for you to be free. 或许,我的不打扰,对你来说是解脱。

39、Anything is possible. 一切皆有可能

40、One is walking, or stay, different. 厌则走, 喜则留, 道不同不相为谋. ----mxh

41、Greying at the temples. 两鬓斑白。

42、Love as drinking,if it light will be tasteless,but liquor burning throat. 相爱如饮酒,淡了无味,烈了伤喉

43、I forget,or you have not loved. 是我忘不掉,还是你未曾爱过。

44、Occasionally also want to use the tears to admit that I was not so strong. 偶尔也想用眼泪承认一下我没那么坚强

45、I Like you , but just Like you. 纵然万劫不复,纵然相思入骨.

46、Plaid shirt . 格子衫。

47、No fit only jane do not cherish.

48、If only as shown signs of life, Why should I so attached to. 人生若只如初见,我又何苦如此依恋。

49、Oxygen氧气 Anoxia缺氧

50、Feeble 苍白

51、Whole life,do a dream. 穷极一生,做不完一场梦

52、I am all good,except,i miss you.

53、Flies 苒

TAG: love life dream possible
